I married a Geeky Engineer and my life changed

The KittyParty
6 min readJun 4, 2022


I married a geeky engineer ten years ago. Today, I reflect upon all that changed in my life in all these years. Theses changes went unnoticed then. As I look back, they look noteworthy and astonishing to me.

That’s my Geek!
  1. My life became tech-y :

At dawn, I check my sleep score. Birds chirp in our house as I walk into my living room in the homemade birdhouse. My e-library stays with me literally no matter wherever I might go. My glass tells me to drink water as I reach near it. My electronic water sommelier makes the perfect mineral water as per my requirement of minerals at that moment.

He is really into devices and gets turned on with the coolest gadgets. All my birthday and anniversary gifts in the last ten years have only been gadgets. He is still enduring the non-digital watch on my wrist. He dramatically dislikes even the sight of it. There have been multiple attempts to replace it with an apple watch.

I do not know when I started to follow Kickstarter to track state-of-the-art gadgets and when visiting Apple stores in each new city became among the top travel agendas.

Do you notice our birdhouse?

2. I watch things I had never thought I ever would:

The only people I was listening to before were the movie actors. As I got married to him, I happened to join his rituals of listening to the smartest people. We listened to Elon Musk when the world around me had little idea about him. I do not know why I even heard Andy Jassy speaking. I watched things that I would never have watched by myself: Interstellar, Squid Game, Genius, EX Machina, Formula 1-Drive to survive, and a few episodes of Stranger things and Dark.

I admit I listen to Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Tim Cook on my own. Also, I am a little hesitant to say that I get thrills watching the hot drops of Marques Brownlee reviews.

Things that mattered earlier, don’t matter now.

3. My music is no more pop:

Exploration into music has been a massive present from my dearest husband. Music for me was only limited to trendy pop songs. He has colossal respect and a genuine interest in music. The first time I had dedicated a romantic song to him, he narrated all about the singers, music directors, and even the instruments used in the song. I still get wowed by his ability to spot most of the musics.

He taught me to admire piano, violin, ukulele, ocarina, guitar and surprisingly Harp. We listen to jazz, smooth jazz, French classical among all the others. Bach, Chopin, Mozart, and Beethoven are the names commonly spoken in my life now.

At this moment I am listening to the Four Seasons by Vivaldi, one of his favourites.

4. Travel has been redefined for me

Travel to me earlier was just an idea of an ability to go to all the professed attractions in any given city. All my travelling life happened with him, and I figured out that it is not about the attractions.

It is more about culture, food, people, nature, and experiences. It took me a while to agree with him that it is not about ticking all the popular to-dos. It is about taking cooking classes, picking berries, visiting libraries, hiking in an unknown jungle, biking in the chilling cold, hunting the best chocolatiers and walking all day aimlessly.

We can go to a new city and not leave a bookstore for the entire day.

I discovered the most beautiful sights are often offbeat

5. My life is not a template:

I can be as girly when around him. He at no time stops me from wearing my pinks. He smiles as I go round and round in my new dresses.

And I can be a woman in a switch. He helps me with waxing and choosing my dresses. He care-freely disposes my sanitary napkins. He stands sturdy with me when I am being feminist.

He treats me as an equal. He does not help to carry my bag when we walk. He waits for me to make the payments. He does not offer me his seat unless I have a reason. We compete for the plank for the same duration and we equally divide our pizza .

He keeps the girl within me alive and nourishes the person I am becoming every day.

Having a right partner brings you power. A vintage style picture clicked by Yvonne Sophie.

6. My interests are suddenly salient:

Growing up, I got the impression that my hobbies were not the foremost. The important things were to study and do whatever I could; so, the not so important people would label me positively.

All my interests are grand for him, and he takes titanic-size joy in my every little progress.

He got me a digital piano when I wanted to play (though my interest didn’t last that long), got me lessons for the MasterClass from Gordon Ramsey when I desired to cook, and booked me the best make-up lessons when I was fascinated by it.

My birthday presents

I still am astounded by the fact that he did not interrogate me even once when I did not feel like playing the piano.

7. I effortlessly bring the pride

I was not working for a long time; there were visa issues, and also I did not know what I wanted to do.

He was well pleased with me when I was managing home, exploring the city and everyday life. He did not have an ounce of embarrassment when I was not working. He took and takes pride in all my abilities of knowledge, communication skills, writing, dancing, cooking, dressing sense, and every little thing. He never compared me with others.

He is my photographer at my work.

Today I am an event planner, a confident team-building event host, and not an amateur food stylist. I learn every day, and he is always my support no matter what I do. He wakes up without any complaints at 1 am to help me with the Wi-Fi when I work in the night hours.

How often have people privately told me about their observation of his love and pride in me?

A hint of my food styling, find more at kittyparty.de

8. The nerd inside me gets shadowed by his obvious geekiness:

I felt different from others while growing up. I would write poetry while others would play. I would ask a series of questions in the class and at home. My inquisitiveness got mocked by my family, I hated that feeling then and now when it comes to my mind. I can listen to Andrew Huberman for 5 hours in a row and not take a sigh.

Being curious seems so normal with him. We both hooted for Andrew together when we got a chance to listen to him in person.

I am a hidden geek too

I am more than often being asked that why I married him when I am so pretty. My answer is because he complements me with his sometimes awkward and mostly cute geekiness. Most importantly, he gives me a lot of love from the depths of his heart. And he has the softest and most kissable cheeks.

I would not say it is all perfect, he can’t even hold my hand without fidgeting with it. However, I would never change for anything what I found in the nerdiest engineer of my life.

This blog wishes him the happiest birthday and appreciates having lived a decade together.



The KittyParty

It’s mission of celebrating life and hacking happiness through million small things!!