I Proudly Come From A Town And I Love My City

The KittyParty
3 min readMay 7, 2019


I am a small town girl but have been living in big cities for a while.

While growing up, I always wanted to move to a big city. I always used to look for the chance to be able to travel to the biggest city around.

Relatives and friends who had had the chance of living there always bragged about it. They were openly classist and looked down on small town and country folk.

Today, I live in a big city.

Do I think it makes a difference?


Yes, it does.

Big cities have a lot to offer to our growth but to an extent. Everything post that range depends on our own attitude.

My Current City

Following are the ways how I compare these two divergent worlds:

1)People who live in big cities have early and wider exposure to the latest things.

But that doesn’t mean they necessarily learn faster.

Fortunately, our learning capacities aren’t defined by the cities we live in. I have encountered very smart people everywhere whether it be in the country or the city.

2) In big cities, there is much more choice in food, more elaborate menus, fine dining, and mouthwatering dishes.

Yet even with all of these options, many days all I long for is my mom’s chickpea curry.

3) Here we have all the big malls and big designer brands. It’s so easy to find what we want, and keep up with all the trends.

However, material possessions can only satisfy us to a certain level. When in sorrow, we look for our loved ones and quiet nature and not for the fancy objects.

A Walk In Woods Is Soothing to Our Soul

4) When I went to live in a slightly bigger town, someone alerted me of the cunning people there.

But the most honest people I have come across were from big cities.
You can find the same toxic people anywhere. Dishonesty has no geographical constraints.

5)Big cities definitely provide us with more opportunities for gaining knowledge and meeting more informed people.

The benefit of this depends on how open an individual’s mind is. Just because someone lives near the library, doesn’t mean they have read a book. Someone living miles from town can be more well read.

6) People would make stereotypical jokes on how people from small towns talk. You can catch trendy slang a bit faster in big cities. I have heard harsh and abusive language from people in every area.

Sometimes harsh speaking people are the softest and those with sugar soft words can be bitter inside.

I think it is very immature and shallow to perceive people on the basis of their geographical location. Big cities definitely give wider exposure but we must remember: people make a city, a city does not make people.

As I travel more, I feel that the excitement of a city and the down to earth feel of a small town are equally important to us.

My small hometown will always be part of me. There are countless stories and lessons that I’ll treasure for a lifetime.

However, for now, I am liking the rhythm of my city.



The KittyParty

It’s mission of celebrating life and hacking happiness through million small things!!