Let Love Be Crazy, You Stay Sane

The KittyParty
3 min readMar 8, 2019


In my younger years, I had an unrealistic idea of ‘falling in love’.

Love Is Beautiful

I felt it was when you get crazy, you lose sleep, can’t concentrate, forget the real world and remain lost in just one person.

All of this happened to me when I first met my husband.

My whole world almost started revolving around one person. Everyone who knew me could see my craziness.

I used to think “ Falling in love and sanity don’t go together.” I see now that I had got this notion from so-called romantic movies that repeatedly show us characters crazy from love.

That said, at the time I was very happy, love was happening to me.

I recently read a very sensible book called “ Feel The Fears And Do It Anyway” By Susan Jeffers. The book convinced me that falling in love should not be this crazy.

Falling in true love is certainly a strong emotion and it gets very overwhelming for most of us. It takes a strong person to handle it well.

Love Is The Best Feeling

When strong people fall in love, they also get butterflies in their stomach and their hearts beat faster too. Just like anyone.

However, they keep their sense of perspective. They give the same importance to their friends, work, hobbies, health, sports and their own time as they did before. They don’t lose their sense of self in loving someone else. They just get more loving, as they are falling in love.

The purest form of love is with one of these people because their feelings are coming from a secure background and not from them being needy or possessive.

They are dedicated, stable and confirmed in love.

They make their love their power and not their vulnerability.

It is also very easy for anyone to fall in love and stay in love with someone strong who isn’t demanding, negative, possessive, insecure or suspicious. They give their lover full space to breathe, to live their passion, to invest in their friendships, to dance, to sing, to play, to do every single thing that they want.

It’s not necessary to spend every moment together but when you do, it should be filled with love. Having understood this one thing, I am able to give due credit to every part of my life, my friends, my hobbies, my passion, my health, to my husband, and to myself.

Falling in love is the most beautiful feeling and it happens to only a lucky few. If it’s happening to you, don’t subtract anything from yourself, rather add it to yourself and love will multiply.



The KittyParty

It’s mission of celebrating life and hacking happiness through million small things!!